Tox’s BSS blog

Beclowning myself in ranked singles since 2018.

Battle Stadium Singles blog — Regulation C and me.

TL;DR: I won't be creating content for Regulation C.

In the almost four and half years of covering BSS here in my own little way, I've never before felt the need to make a post quite like this. Now, admittedly, this is in no small part due to the fact that it would be a most unflattering move indeed for an adult to complain about the rules in a children's game. 

   On the contrary, I have always tried to conduct myself in the finest traditions of sprezzatura, so that as bad as things could be in SWSH — and they were, with the restricted rulesets in the final year of that game taking the cake — I was always able to find a way to make a meal out of even the frothiest mix of Zacian, Ditto, and Dynamaxed restricted pokemon.

   But with Regulation C, it took me less than two weeks to come to the conclusion that I would not be able to stomach this particular dish being served up right up until the end of June, the announced date for the conclusion of Regulation C. 

   I won't go into too much detail as to just how miserable the combination of the generational gimmick of Terastallization, Dragonite, Paradox pokemon + Booster Energy, and now the addition of Treasures of Ruin (Ruinous Quartet) has made me, but suffice it to say that when even winning leaves you feeling unhappy with the whole experience, it's better to stop.

   That this point comes so early in SV's life cycle also has me slightly concerned, rightly or wrongly, for the almost three years SV still has ahead of itself. 

   But, if between now and July, an official online competiton in the singles format pops up after the qualifiers for Worlds for Japan and Korea, currently taking up our competition slots, are through, I will dip in with gusto.

- Tox
